Deco with his daddy. Such a cute and handsome guy.
"Deco is growing up great so far :) Thank You." - Riley from DC
"We love Stitch so much... Stitch is happy, healthy and loving life" Dillon in Fredericksburg, Va.
Arya settling into her new home. "This has been a wonderful experience and she's made me so happy" with John in DC.
Ready for Christmas! - New York
"Thanks for our sweet boy" - Suffolk, Va.
" Hi, it's Gabby with the blue fawn boy, I just wanted to shoot you a text to say thank you so much for my little potato. He's so loved, and had his check up this morning. 10lbs and 10oz, and I can't stop holding him like a baby! we named him Kash, and I already have a million pictures of him." - Gabby in White Plaines, MD.
I am writing to once again thank you for the greatest gift ever. MABEL is such an amazing companion. I could've never known in January when I first came to see you what a blessing Mabel would be. During this social isolation period she has been been my constant companion. I was raking leaves the other day and she was running around jumping in the leaf piles, she cuddles with me at night, follows me around all day, and even listens to me when I pray. Yesterday I was working on the computer and I decided to play some frenchie puppy videos. She was mesmerized. Here is a pic i took this morning. She is getting me through this isolation. Thank you again so much!!!!
We really love her. She is having a great life chasing the cats and loving our older dog Molly. Please write back soon. Maybe when this is all over we could bring her down for a visit with her mom.
This Is Diem-Mi Lu, I purchased the blue Frenchie two weeks ago :) I just wanted to let you know that I named him Louie, and he is the absolute best and is growing bigger every day.
I also took him to the vet last week, and he gave Louie a clean bill of health and said that he looked very healthy. We went to the beach this weekend and he had an absolute Ball!